Authors: Mary Ylvisaker Nilsen, Rev. Per Nilsen, Rev. Kai Nilsen, Linnea Nilsen Capshaw, Rev. Solveig Nilsen-Goodin, and Rev. Erika Nilsen, 3rd Edition, (2014) Title: For Everything A Season: 75 Blessings for Life’s Milestones Format: Digital Download, 98 p. (Des Moines, IA, 2014, Zion Publishing) Subject: Blessing Rituals, Christian Faith Formation, Pastoral Resources ISBN 978-1-50-541198-0
This is a must resource for pastors, lay leaders, and parents of all ages. The 3rd edition of For Everything a Season is a compilation of 75 blessings for life's milestones that help deepen and make sacred ordinary and out of the ordinary life moments. It offers three simple blessings for the seasons of the day; thirteen for the seasons of the year (holidays we celebrate from New Year's Eve to Thanksgiving); twenty-five blessings for seasons of our lives—events such as getting a driver's license, leaving home, getting a pet; seventeen blessings for seasons of our relationships; eleven for seasons of the Christian life; and six for the seasons of the church year.
Each ritual has a welcome, prayer, time for reflection, suggested ritual action such as lighting a candle or passing a blessing cup, and a closing blessing. They can be done by families, other groups, or by someone alone. These accessible blessings help to transform ordinary moments in time and space into holy moments of timeless grace.
When ordering 10 copies or more, please first contact Milestones Ministry directly for a 20% quantity discount. Email or call 304-300-0836. This is a must resource for pastors, lay leaders, and parents of all ages. The 3rd edition of For Everything A Season is a compilation of 75 blessings for life's milestones that help deepen and make sacred ordinary and out of the ordinary life moments. It offers three simple blessings for the seasons of the day; thirteen for the seasons of the year (holidays we celebrate from New Year's Eve to Thanksgiving); twenty-five blessings for seasons of our lives--events such as getting a driver's license, leaving home, getting a pet; seventeen blessings for seasons of our relationships; eleven for seasons of the Christian life; and six for the seasons of the church year.
Each ritual has a welcome, prayer, time for reflection, suggested ritual action such as lighting a candle or passing a blessing cup, and a closing blessing. They can be done by families, other groups, or by someone alone.These accessible blessings help to transform ordinary moments in time and space into holy moments of timeless grace.
Author: Rev. Dr. David W. Anderson, 1st Edition, (2024)
Title: The Ten Commandments: A View from Luther’s Small Catechism
Format: Digital Download, 56 p. (Ridgeley, WV, 2024, Milestones Ministry, LLC.)
Subject: Family Christian Faith Formation, Learning the Ten Commandments, Pastoral Resources
ISBN 978-1-7320074-2-0The Ten Commandments: A View from Luther’s Small Catechism combines study of the Bible and a historic catechism in the context of Christian community. The goal is to shepherd one another in the Christian faith by learning or reviewing the Ten Commandments. Martin Luther himself was described as a “pastor and shepherd of souls.” As a head of his own household with his wife Katie, Luther would comment on how he studied and practiced the contents of the catechism with his own family and friends.
This study resource will help people of all ages get more out of the Ten Commandments. It will enrich parents, grandparents, and other mentors who join young people as together they explore and apply the Christian faith within the home setting. It will also help students in confirmation classes and Sunday school by providing a simple study outline of the Ten Commandments based on the Four Key Faith Practices (Caring Conversations, Devotions, Service, and Rituals and Traditions) with each part of the Small Catechism. The included Learning the Ten Commandments Milestone Moment provides an easy outline to use in order to gather together and celebrate with friends and family—including godparents and sponsors—and talk about the importance and significance of learning the Ten Commandments and create an event that participants will remember and appreciate for the rest of their lives.
This is an essential book for Christian leaders to use as a fundamental guide to have a scriptural understanding of the importance of personalizing the care of the Christian life of each follower of Jesus. Retrieving and using this care of souls ministry practice is essential for nurturing Christian faith formation and renewing the church in today's world.
Pastors and lay leaders alike will gain an understanding of the importance the role of shepherding has in the congregation, the home, and beyond. The shepherd of souls ministry represents the deeply meaningful, personal, and communal life of befriending brothers and sisters in the Christian faith. It serves the work of discipleship formed through personal, trusted relationships. The world needs, and the church needs, for that ministry to happen with increased intentionality and consistency. The book includes questions for reflection and conversation at the end of each chapter and can be used as a study guide for church leadership.
The shepherd of souls ministry is based on thirty years of developing the Milestones Ministry Frame. It is a framework of principles, practices, and characteristics necessary for Christian faith formation. Shepherding souls is based on the Five Principles: 1) Faith formed and nurtured through trusted relationships; 2) Equipping shepherds through the ministry of the congregational church; 3) Serving others through the ministry of the home; 4) Understanding and developing faith formation through experiences and relationships, not just by understanding concepts; and, 5) Affirming that shepherding souls is a cross+generational ministry where adults support children and youth and where children and youth support adults of all ages.
This For Everything A Season for Congregations Download product includes permission to make unlimited copies within a congregation for members. The content is the same as an individual edition, however permission is provided to authorize duplication within a congregation.