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What Makes Milestones Ministry Work?

Milestones Ministry provides a fresh approach to faith formation. What makes Milestones Ministry work so well for congregations is that it includes a simple and doable five-part structure: name it; equip it; bless it; gift it; and reinforce it. By incorporating these five stages into your Milestones Ministry program, it gives the milestone event a greater chance to take deeper root in lifelong faith formation.

“Name it” by:

  • Identifying meaningful and memorable moments in people’s lives
  • Honoring and celebrating birth, baptism/dedication, the beginning of school, confirmation, getting a driver’s license, graduation, a new job, parenthood, grandparenthood, retirement and more
  • Helping people identify their passions, interests and skills to be lived in Christian vocation
  • Enabling people to name the holy in life, recognize milestones along life’s journey, and take the time to be nurtured in the Christian faith in home and congregation

“Equip it” by:

  • Providing Four Keys faith practices as a way to experience milestones as a faith-forming moment
  • Providing Four Keys activities at the Cross+Generational Event
  • Providing Four Keys activities for the Small Group/Home Event
  • Providing Four Keys activities at the Follow Up Event

“Bless it” by:

  • Offering a prayer to bless the lives of those involved in the milestone moment
  • Offering a prayer during worship for those participating in the milestone moment
  • Offering a prayer at a small group or with family at home

“Gift it” by:

  • Giving a visual reminder to help the milestone moment be recalled again and again
  • Providing a gift as a visible sign that gives witness to one’s faith

“Reinforce it” by:

  • Hosting a follow-up gathering of those involved in the milestone moment to help it gain deeper roots in the life of faith of those who participated