It is important for family and friends to gather together to discuss and reflect upon a work anniversary celebration. This Work Anniversary Milestone Moment supports this important event and provides an opportunity to talk about the history of the work over the years, including both mountain highs and valley lows.
Recognizing and being grateful for the years worked and contributions made, provides one with a feeling of worth, satisfaction, and achievement. This Milestone Moment encourages reflection and caring discussion about the length of time that someone has been employed and is an opportunity to celebrate the commitment and work that has been accomplished.
This Milestone Moment includes a Four Key Faith Practices outline which encourages growing in our faith by recognizing the home and family gatherings as church, too. A simple five-step structure is also included to establish a solid base for faith formation.
These pottery Blank Stone for Gifting are individually hand-crafted and available at a low cost to purchase and gift as meaningful reminders of this Milestone Moment. They can be marked with permanent marker to personalize this special occasion with a drawing or words.