Communion Milestone Module Download

This Milestones Ministry event can be used as preparation for first communion or a time to reflect more deeply with children who have already received Holy Communion and are now ready to learn more about its significance in their lives.
Anniversary of Baptism Milestone Module Download

The Anniversary of Baptism Milestone is an opportunity to remind everyone that living our baptism is a lifelong journey—and one needs to be prepared to live and walk wet!
Entering Sunday School Milestone Module Download

The Anniversary of Baptism Milestone is an opportunity to remind everyone that living our baptism is a lifelong journey—and one needs to be prepared to live and walk wet!
Kids and Money Milestone Module Download

The intent of the Kids and Money Milestone is to help children and their caregivers escape a lifestyle of hyper-consumption by learning good money management early in life. Learning about money isn’t just about what we do with it. It is also about our attitudes toward money and recognizing it all belongs to God.
Blessing of Backpacks Milestone Module Download

Going to school for the first time or returning to school for another year carries with it the challenges, anxieties, hopes, and opportunities that fill the lives of children, parents, and other caregivers with many diverse emotions and wonderments.
My Body, God's Gift Milestone Module Download

As children mature physically, this is a time to partner home and congregation to make sure that the children we love have good information, clear and consistent values, and support to be moral.
Middle School Milestone Module Download

The teen years are a critical time in the lives of our children as they struggle to grow and to find their own identity. In this milestone, we suggest the gift of a magnetic mirror, to use in school lockers.
Confirmation Milestone Module Download

Confirmation is part of a person’s baptismal journey. It is not a graduation, but rather it marks the beginning of a new chapter in the faith community. As a vitally important milestone, this celebration includes the congregation, families, and all those who have been involved in nurturing faith in these young people.
Driver's License Milestone Module Download

This is a Milestones Ministry event based on the rite of passage when youth prepare for and receive a first driver’s license. The preparing for and receiving of a license brings many new rights and responsibilities.
High School Graduation Milestone Module Download

This is a time for the graduate, family and congregation to be very intentional about continued faith connections. It is a time to help graduates take responsibility for deliberate plans in a continuing faith journey. This Milestone Ministry event is focused primarily on the parent/guardian and child relationship in the context of a banquet and dinner program.