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Four Keys Mat
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Four Keys Mat
includes a single durable 8 inch circular cloth and foam pad which displays the four key faith practices of
Caring Conversations, Devotions, Service, and Rituals and Traditions. The pictures remind us of the valuable faith practices that are found at the heart of every Milestone Module, Moment, Taking Faith Home guide for faith-filled conversations, and Taking Faith Home card set. Use this Four Keys Mat as a guide to strengthen your congregational staff and member faith formation by serving as a constant reminder to engage in caring conversations, family devotions, ideas and stories for service, and to create meaningful rituals and traditions. This Four Keys Mat is a wonderful keepsake to gift to friends, family, and congregational members to remind them to practice the essential four key faith practices. It is an excellent gift for departing college students to serve as a useful computer mouse pad and faith practice reminder. The mat wonderfully goes with both a single Blessing Bowl and the Blessing Bowl and Stones for Congregational Milestones set or can be a beautiful base for a candle or cross.
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